Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Whip It Up Wednesday: Pretty Bowl Baubles

A few months ago now I made this pretty doily bowl, but until now haven't found anything I liked to put inside it!  Everything in the shops is too dark or "heavy" for the my delicate little doily bowl, so I finally got around to making some baubles of my own! 

Please excuse the daggy picture of my face in the background XD

I made five different baubles, so today you get five ideas in one post!

Bauble #1: Buttons!

Easy really! Grab your jar of buttons, a hot glue gun and a Styrofoam ball and get gluing!

It can get a bit tricky getting the ball covered without any huge gaps, but having a good variety of different sized buttons definitely helps! Also, I didn't do it but I'd recommend painting your Styrofoam ball in the same colour as your buttons before you start - that way gaps are less noticeable!

Bauble #2: Fabric strips!

This one's a bit messy but looks great! You'll need some fabric scraps and your Mod Podge!

I cut my fabric into thin strips long enough to go around the entire edge of my bauble, then glued them on in a "spoke" pattern until the entire bauble was covered. Finally, I gave it a top coat of Matt style Mod Podge and let it dry.

Bauble #3: Fabric and Lace!

First, cover your bauble in fabric as before - I used a plain coloured fabric for this layer. When that's dry, use the same technique to add a lace fabric layer in a coordinating colour. Mmm, texture and layers!

Bauble #4: Tissue Paper!

Easy peasy lemon squeezy! Tear your tissue paper up into little pieces, give your Styrofoam ball a light coat of Mod Podge and then roll it in the tissue paper! Roll it around in your hand to smooth down the surface, and give it a top coat of Mod Podge if you like.

Bauble #5: Beads!

At first I tried using Mod Podge for this, but it didn't work. Re-enter the trusty hot glue gun!

Pop a heap of seed beads (and bugle beads if you like) in a bowl. Doing a patch at a time, add hot glue to a section of your Styrofoam ball and then push it into the beads before the glue dries. Use your fingers to push beads into the glue securely, and even up the surface.

There you go! Five easy ideas for making your own baubles that cost next to nothing, are in the colours that suit your decor and have lots of different textures and layers!


1 PC said...

Extremely good idea! Love it!

2 Jennifer said...

These are all so great!!

3 Ricki Treleaven said...

I love this little vignette, Rissa! Your creativity amazes me! :D

Ricki Jill

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