About a month ago the wonderful Steph from The Silly Pearl let me guest post for her!
In case you missed it, here's the tutorial I shared!
Paper Doily Embellished Fairy Lights
* 1 string of fairy lights
* 1 paper doily for each light on your string
(I used 1/2 small and 1/2 medium sized doilies)
* Clear sticky tape
* Double sided tape
* Scissors
What To Do:
Take one of your doilies and make a cut from the outside to the centre. Put a little bit of double sided tape on the back of one of the cut edges, overlap that edge over the other to make a cone shape. Secure the other loose edge with another small piece of double sided tape.
Now make one of these for each light on your string of fairy lights ...
Right, time to put it all together!
Snip the tiniest bit off from the tip of your cone, just enough so you can push your fairy light through. When the light has been pushed through, take a small piece of clear tape and wrap it around the bottom of the cone to hold everything in place, like so:
Repeat with a new doily cone for each light on your string.
Viola! It doesn't get much better than lacy fairy lights!
Easy peasy and super cute!
Tip: You could also attach doily cut-outs, tissue paper pom poms or other embellishments in between each light to fill out your string even more!
Tip #2: You could hot glue gun these together instead of taping them to make them more sturdy!
Thanks so much for letting me guest post Steph! <3

I love these. Thanks for sharing them on Crafty Moms Share!!
Neat idea Rissa! So simple too!
Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
Hope you have a great week!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success
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