Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Digital Scrapbooking Fun!

A few days ago I received a very exciting email from a lovely lady called Liz. Liz works for a company called My Memories and she contacted me to say she'd found my blog and thought my readers (that's you guys!) might enjoy a GIVEAWAY of their digital scrapbooking software! How cool is that?

So, the last few days I've had the chance to play with the software and boy am I enjoying it!!

It's super easy to use, very flexible and makes even a novice scrapbooker like myself look good!
Here's the latest page I made, scrapping about our engagement!

I love it!

Liz has asked me to do a review, so when I post that I'll also post details of the GIVEAWAY!

If you absolutely can't wait and must have the digital scrapbooking software before the giveaway, use my code STMMMS3472 and you'll get $10 off the software (usually $40, you'll get it for $30!) and you'll get $10 credit to use in the online store!

Stay tuned!


1 Ricki Treleaven said...

Rissa, this software is too cool! I love it! :D

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