Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Whip It Up Wednesday: Blueberry & Raspberry Sorbet (Egg Free)

Last week the first really hot weather for the season hit, and it's not even summer yet!
On Thursday it was 34 ºC and on Friday it went all the way up to 37 ºC! *phew*
(That's about 93 ºF and 98.5 ºF)

Luckily, I had this nifty little number all made up and waiting patiently in the freezer ready to cool us down!

Blueberry & Raspberry Sorbet!
Recipe adapted from Cuisinart Recipe Booklet

What You Need (makes 5 cups worth):
* 4 cups of frozen berries (thawed)
(I used 1 cup of blueberries and 3 cups of raspberries)
* 2 cups of water
* 2 cups of sugar
* A pinch of salt

What To Do:
Combine water and sugar in a medium saucepan over medium to low heat. 
Cook until sugar is fully dissolved.

Add salt and berries. Blend until smooth.

At this point you can strain the mixture through a mesh strainer
to remove the seeds if you want to. 
We opted not to.

If you have an ice-cream maker: Refrigerate for 2-3 hours (or overnight like I did). Turn on your ice-cream maker, pour in the mixture and let it mix for around 20 minutes. 

If you don't have an ice-cream maker**: Freeze for 4-5 hours (until almost set). Break sorbet up with a metal spoon, then transfer to a food processor. Process until a smooth, icy consistency is achieved. Freeze for another 4 hours then process again, repeat this at least twice, or until the desired texture is achieved. 
(More repeats = smoother sorbet)

Transfer sorbet to an airtight container and store in the freezer between servings.

** I use an ice-cream maker, so this method is just a suggestion based on this recipe for Watermelon sorbet. Use at your own risk ;D Most non-ice-cream-maker-machine recipes suggest the addition of egg-whites for a smoother texture. Also, this website also has some great information on making sorbets and ice-creams at home.

Enjoy! <3


1 Whit said...

Mmm sounds yummy. I have got to give this a try. Thank you for sharing and for linking up to last weeks show and share party. Please come back this week and share your latest project with us.

A mommy's life...with a touch of yellow

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