About Me

Hello everyone. My name is Marissa and I'm a perpetual student.

Or at least, that's how it feels at the moment! My plan was, and still is, to work as a classroom primary school teacher, but I've been a bit side-tracked by academia and am currently a PhD candidate at Flinders University here in South Australia. I did a double degree for my Undergrad, specialising in education and computer science, so I'm actually a registered teacher but not a practising one :)

My PhD work is very exciting (at least to me!) - I'm developing software for teaching social skills to kids with high functioning autism and Asperger Syndrome. It centres on using a virtual person as a "tutor" - very cool! If you'd like to hear more about it, please do contact me! I'm always excited to share my work and hear about other peoples' experiences!

To stay sane I blog, bead and sew in my free time. I've never claimed to be the best at any of those things, but they are definitely relaxing and I really enjoy making and sharing! Plus, working in a male-dominated area like computer science, it's nice to do something that feels a bit more feminine in my spare time ;) I've been interested in beading and jewellery making since I was in high school (and I'm now starting my 7th year at University ... oh dear!) but sewing is a more recent addiction - I invested in my first sewing machine just last year! I'm completely self taught in all these crafty things, and just LOVE online tutorials!

I'm very lucky to have a loving man and we have big plans for our future - just got to get those finances happening so we can start on the big milestones! I'm a pet-a-holic, and consider myself incredibly fortunate that my long suffering man also enjoys the animals as much as I do ;) We're currently the loving parents of a 10 year old Maltese terrier, 7 rats and two tanks full of fish. Talk pets with me ANY TIME!


1 Little Sprinkles Of Fun said...

I was wondering...I have been trying to add my favorites and linky parties to my blog. Is there an easy way to do this? I have been going to each blog...copy pasting codes and then they do not line up right on the page? Suggestions? You look like you have got it together! :)

2 Rissa @ Hazel and Honeysuckle said...

I'll send you an email :D

3 Little Sprinkles Of Fun said...


4 Brycie @ Reenie Jae Creations said...

Hey Rissa. I have a little question for you. On my blog, under each of my gadgets, I have that STUPID little set of "tools" (s screw driver and a wrench) icon that I can't figure how to get rid of! Any idea how you do that? :)



5 Rissa @ Hazel and Honeysuckle said...

Sent you an email too Bry! Let me know if you need a hand with anything :)

6 Jill said...

Hi Rissa! you have such a cute page...and i love that you say 'i craft and blog to stay sane'. my thoughts exactly! Happy Friday!

7 Katie said...

Hello Rissa! I wanted to thank you for following my blog :) I really appreciate having you reading about my life! I am excited to say I am following you back!!! Thank you again and I hope you have had a wonderful weekend!

Take care,

8 Brycie @ Reenie Jae Creations said...

Hey Rissa, I have a question for you. Since you are so blog savvy. How do you add your social buttons ie, Facebook, Twitter Pinterst and Feed button onto your blog? I seriously can NOT figure it out! lol.

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I love getting comments, they make my day! Please let me know what you think or any ideas you have for me, I would love to hear them!

Before you comment - are you a 'no-reply' blogger? If you are, I can't email a reply to your comment! I really would love to be able to! If you want to change this, go to your dashboard, click "Edit Profile", tick "show my email address" and save!

I'd really love to be able to email you back! xx

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